Our Philanthropy: Decoding Darkness
The philanthropic mission of the sisterhood is to raise awareness of juvenile autism and assist the families of children with an autism diagnosis. Juvenile autism is characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and communication. Our goal is to raise awareness of the reality of this condition and help to deliver attention, support, assistance, and compassion to these children and their families. We have undertaken the responsibility of our mission of "Decoding Darkness" by using today's generation of individuals to strive for progress, awareness, and understanding with regards to autism spectrum disorder. Sisters of Kappa Lambda Xi Sorority are required to spend half of their total community service hour per semester involved with the primary mission focus.
What causes Autism/ASD?
There are causes of ASD that are unknown, but there are likely many causes of ASD that are known. They include biological, genetic, and environmental factors. According to the CDC, these are the main conclusions:
Most scientists agree that genes are one of the risk factors that can make a person more likely to develop ASD.
Children who have a sibling with ASD are at a higher risk of also having ASD.
Individuals with certain genetic or chromosomal conditions, such as fragile X syndrome or tuberous sclerosis, can have a greater chance of having ASD.
When taken during pregnancy, the prescription drugs valproic acid and thalidomide have been linked with a higher risk of ASD.
There is some evidence that the critical period for developing ASD occurs before, during, and immediately after birth.
Children born to older parents are at a greater risk for having ASD.
Is there a 'cure'?
There is currently no cure for ASD. Treatment for ASD entails early intervention treatment services (such as therapy) that can help children (usually from birth to three years old) learn important skills to aid in talking, walking, and interacting with others. There is also treatment for specific symptoms, such as speech therapy for children struggling with speech.
Autism Myths
Autism is rare
Vaccines cause Autism
Autism can be outgrown
What is Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. There are no physical differences between someone with ASD and without ASD. The differences lie in how people with ASD interact, communicate, behave, and learn compared to people without ASD. The learning, thinking, and problem solving skills of those with ASD can range from gifted to severely challenged.
Common Signs
The effects and signs of ASD vary from person to person, but according to the CDC, here are a few of the more common signs:
Not point at objects to show interest
Not look at objects when another person points at them
Have trouble relating to others or not have an interest in other people at all
Avoid eye contact and want to be alone
Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings
Prefer not to be held or cuddled, or might cuddle only when they want to
Appear to be unaware when people talk to them, but respond to other sounds
Be very interested in people, but not know how to talk, play, or relate to them
Repeat or echo words or phrases said to them, or repeat words or phrases in place of normal language
Have trouble expressing their needs using typical words or motions
Not play “pretend” games
Repeat actions over and over again
Have trouble adapting when a routine changes
Have unusual reactions to the way things smell, taste, look, feel, or sound
Lose skills they once had
The most common effects are usually difficulties dealing with changes in schedule, speaking and interacting with other people (including things such as having trouble making eye contact), and repetition of specific actions depending on the person.
KLXi and Juvenile Autism