A Letter From Our
Hello hello hello,
My name is Saiel Neebar and I am thrilled to be the 2023-2024 president of the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Lambda Xi at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Before I came to UMD, I never saw myself as somebody who would be apart of Greek life, much less the president of a chapter. I took the chance and met the sisters of KLXi, and instantly knew that I had found a community where I would be accepted, supported and encouraged to grow and improve myself.
KLXi has truly helped me to step out of my comfort zone. I am forever grateful to my sisters for being pillars of support in my college life, cheering on for me in the ups and pulling me through the downs. Being a multicultural sorority, I especially love how we are able to bond through both the experiences that we share and those which we don’t - I am constantly learning about many different cultural backgrounds and traditions, and you can bet that we host some phenomenal potlucks!
These women have truly given me an incredible network of support, and I am honored to have the chance to give back as the current chapter president. I hope that our organization continues to thrive and grow, maintaining the legacy left behind us as well as creating our own. I am eternally grateful for the continued support we receive, and to prospective members, I hope that you too seek us out and discover the wonderful sisterhood we share